Then run or edit the query to display the various editors for the query, and click SQL editor. 然后您可以运行或者编辑查询以显示查询的不同的编辑器,并点击SQLeditor。
When you select the connection between two operations, the parameter mappings display in the lower half of the editor. 当您选择两个操作之间的连接时,参数映射显示在编辑器的下半部分。
And when the action is unselected, the filter is removed from Display, restoring the default drag-and-drop behavior of Editor and View tabs ( meant for rearranging and tiling). 当没有选择这个操作时,就会从Display中删除这个过滤器,恢复编辑器和视图标签的默认拖放行为(这意味着又可以进行重新排列和平铺操作了)。
After you learned more about the mapping relationship between the two kinds of artifacts, and made some changes to the default display style for the Business Process Editor, you find that there are many similarities between the two. 当进一步了解了两种工件之间的映射关系并对BusinessProcessEditor的默认显示风格做出更改后,您会发现二者有很多相似之处。
In the breadcrumb display in a resource editor, a button is now available to retrieve the "short link" for the URL of the selected resource. 在资源编辑器中的痕迹(breadcrumb)显示中,现在有一个按钮可用于检索选定资源的URL的短链接。
This path is passed to a text editor for display, and, finally, the editor is positioned so that the CDT node is visible in the editor and is selected. 该路径被传递给文本编辑器用于显示,最终,编辑器被定位,这样CDT节点在编辑器中就可见并被选中。
Gets the help keyword to display the help topic or topic list for when the editor's dialog box help button or the F1 key is pressed. 在用户按下编辑器对话框中的“帮助”按钮或f1键时,获取“帮助”关键字以显示“帮助”主题或主题列表。
Can call this method to display a specified control in a drop down area over the property grid hosting the editor which uses this service. 方法可调用此方法在一个下拉区域中显示指定控件,此下拉区域位于承载使用此服务的编辑器的属性网格上方。
Display pop-up lists of available members, properties, or values as you type in the editor. 当您在编辑器中键入内容时,将显示可用的成员、属性或值的弹出列表。
NET platform, this tool can display the tree structure intuitively and provide the visual editor interface, teacher can construct and browse the course easily through it, and this tool has some practical value. NET平台建立了精品课程编辑工具。该工具能直观地显示课程的树型结构并提供了可视化的编辑界面,通过该工具能够方便地建立与浏览课程,具有较大的应用价值。
Display Editor's Creative Function and Improve the Quality of Journals of Colleges 发挥编辑创造功能提高高校学报质量